_hottouse.GIF (2162 bytes)
 _question.gif (70 bytes)   We didn't detect Internet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.0 or Greater
This program detected a earlier version of the Web Browsers above. You must Install a newer browser for this program to work right. Please read the information below and click on the Internet Explorer Icon below to copy Internet Explorer 4.0 to your drive. To install it simply run the IE4.EXE and it will install it to your computer system.
 images/_question.gif (70 bytes) What Internet Browser Do I need?
It was specifically designed for Windows 98 which already has Internet Explorer 4.0 bundled with it.HTML Clipart was designed for Internet Explorer 4.0 or greater and Netscape 4.0 or greater. This program was designed using a lot of the new Java capabilities that are part of the new browser versions. You get a couple of extra features by using Internet Explorer 4.0 to browse this CD-ROM like launching programs, easier interface. This program was also designed to be viewed in full screen mode. HTML Clipart 98 will launch what ever Browser is set as your Default Browser on your computer. Example if Netscape is set as your default browser and you would like to use Internet Explorer to browse the CD-ROM follow these steps. Open up Internet Explorer and on the Address Line type D:\Start.HTM (change D:\ to whatever letter your CD-ROM drive is. I recommend to use IE4 to get all the benefits of HTML Clipart 98.
a            ieget_animated.gif (7090 bytes)


 images/_question.gif (70 bytes) How do I copy Java Scripts?
Simply click inside the window below, use your cursor to hilight the script, and copy (type Control-c or Apple-c) the script into a new file in your text editor (such as NotePad or SimpleText) and save (Control-s or Apple-s). The script is yours!


 images/_question.gif (70 bytes) What is  Java Scripts?
JavaScript is the web developer's tool to create both useful & enhancing scripts for your website. The language can morph your website from a simple site to a interactive site your visitors will bookmark to see again. When HTML isn't enough, you need JavaScript. With all the new technology, its hard to keep up with the changes. This tutorial will hopefully cover everything you need to learn the language.
 images/_question.gif (70 bytes) Is this the Only Web Disc that you make?
This is the first in a series on Professional Web design CD-ROM's. There will be CD-ROM's released on Java Script, CGI, PERL, with complete Tutorials, more graphics, Animated Gifs, Wallpaper, Utilities, HTML Editors and more. These will released about every quarter or so to keep you up to date with the latest Web Page Technology. They will take a in depth look in designing interactive sites with mulitmedia, sound, animated graphics, and more. Complete with tutorials and examples of how to it and what the finished product looks like.
 images/_question.gif (70 bytes) Terms & Copyright Information?
HTML Clipart Software owners are free to use, modify and publish images as they wish subject to the exceptions listed below.
   images/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) create scandulous, obscene or immoral works using the clipart images
   images/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) redistribute any of the clipart images as clipart!
   images/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) use the clipart images related to identifiable individuals or entities in a manner
images/_question.gif (70 bytes) About
Titleimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) Total Java Script 99
Versionimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) (Version 1.0)
Platformimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0  
Processorimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) Pentium Class
RAMimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) 16 MB RAM
Videoimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) SVGA 16-Bit Video with 800 x 600 resolution
CD-ROMimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) 8x Speed or better
Software Requiredimages/_arrow.gif (292 bytes) Intenet Explorer 4.0 or Netscape 4.0 or greater
40-reviews.gif (3750 bytes)